SME - Spinneys Middle East
SME stands for Spinneys Middle East
Here you will find, what does SME stand for in Business under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Spinneys Middle East? Spinneys Middle East can be abbreviated as SME What does SME stand for? SME stands for Spinneys Middle East. What does Spinneys Middle East mean?The Business company falls under retail category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of SME
- Shape Memory Effect
- Significant Military Equipment
- Scale Model Engineering
- State Museum of Ethnography
- State Of Mississippi Entrepreneurs
- Small/ Medium Enterprise
- Subject Matter Expert
- Significant Military Equipment
View 109 other definitions of SME on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SGHL Summerset Group Holdings Limited
- SSS Sally Salon Services
- SLPSB St. Landry Parish School Board
- SMFR South Metro Fire Rescue
- SDC Sentosa Development Corporation
- SMP Success Mortgage Partners
- SOTLA Stockton-On-Tees Local Authority
- SQLSI SQL Star International
- SPHCS South Point Hotel Casino Spa
- SGC Seashore Group of Companies
- SAHA Salvation Army Housing Association
- SLS Saint Louis Sucre
- SIL Service Industries Limited
- SFB State Farm Bank
- SMR Stowe Mountain Resort
- SBE Stratford Board of Education
- SCRMC St. Claire Regional Medical Center
- SINP Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
- SHS Schenectady High School